Dr. Rabia Hos has been chosen to serve as the university’s next dean of the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.
Hos has served as graduate program director for the School of Education at the University of Rhode Island and as department chair for the Department of English Language Teaching at Zirve University in Türkiye. She has been well funded for her scholarship on global education, multilingual learners, and STEM, from agencies such as the U.S. Department of State, Rhode Island Department of Education, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Nellie Mae Education Foundation.
Hos is the vice president for the Multistate Association for Bilingual Education (MABE), the editor-in-chief of the European Journal of English Language Studies, co-editor-in-chief of the European Journal of Educational Research, and a member of the editorial board for three other international journals. Her strong publication and grant record is reflected in her ongoing and active plans to retain her deep collaborative scholarship going forward.
She holds many honorifics, including a Beatrice S. Demers Foreign Language Fellow via the Rhode Island Foundation, a Global Teacher Education Fellow via the Longview Foundation, and an English Language Specialist for the U.S. Department of State. Hos holds a Ph.D. in Education, Teaching, Curriculum, and Change; an MS in Education, Teaching English Speakers of Other Languages; and a BA in English and psychology, all from the University of Rochester.