Table of Contents
Each spring, the Graduate Student & Faculty Excellence Awards honor the dedication, passion, and hard work of our graduate students and faculty. Nominated by students, staff, and faculty, award recipients are recognized for their exceptional contributions to the School of Graduate and Professional Studies.
Student Awards
Awarded to a graduate student
Nominated by student’s faculty, student’s course instructor, or a community mentor
This award honors Graduate Students of high integrity who have a record of service to the Department, their respective college, School of Graduate and Professional Studies or the University, and can demonstrate that their service has reflected the “Owl Spirit” of our social justice campus, has had a significant impact on the SCSU campus or wider community, and has influenced positive change. They will have shown exemplary leadership qualities during the academic year and demonstrated strong advocacy for the SCSU community.
Nominees must be SCSU graduate students who…
- Are in good academic standing
- Have completed at least 9 credits of graduate-level courses in an approved program of study
Nomination Process:
Students may be nominated by the student’s faculty advisor, a student’s course instructor, or a community mentor who has been in direct contact with the student and is familiar with the student’s exemplary leadership through a specific project or organization.
Submission Portfolio:
A submission portfolio will reflect the described qualifications and clearly demonstrate the nominee’s merit. It should include evidence of a significant leadership contribution such as initiating or further developing a campus or community program, providing outreach to or through a campus or community organization, improving an element of campus life or otherwise demonstrating exemplary leadership characteristics. The portfolio will include the following elements:
- Nomination Letter (form) Graduate Student Leadership Award Nomination Form
- Submission Portfolio/Application (form) Graduate Student Leadership Nominee’s Portfolio Submission
- Personal Statement (1-2 pages typed)
- Letter of support from their faculty advisor (*if being nominated by their advisor, the letter can be from any of a student’s current/former instructors)
- CV/resume
- Video essay (two minutes) or brief one slide presentation describing highlights of the nominee’s service contribution, how they have impacted the university or wider community, and what leadership qualities were developed that led to a successful experience.
- One recommendation from an individual who has had direct contact related to the service and can speak to the leadership qualities the candidate exhibited and/or developed.
***Note: The evaluation committee will use the impact of leadership, advocacy and commitment to social justice, exemplary leadership, support from faculty and mentors and quality of portfolio in its deliberations.
$500 will be awarded to the winner.
One-Page Letter of Nomination – Due by February 20, 2025
Submission of Portfolio/Application by Nominees – Due by March 25, 2025
Awards Announced on Wednesday April 23, 2025
Awards Event on Wednesday April 30, 2025, from 3-4:30pm
Awarded to a master’s student
Nominated by student’s department chairperson, thesis advisor, or Grad Coordinator
This award encourages high-level graduate scholarship by recognizing distinction in research and writing as demonstrated by the submission of an exceptional master’s thesis or a capstone experience that exhibits excellence in methodology and substance, superior writing and organization, creativity, makes a recognizable contribution to scholarship in the field, and has potential for publication.
Nominated students must have completed…
- A thesis submitted to meet the capstone requirement for an approved program of study
- A thesis that will be submitted in its final form by May 1 for a degree to be awarded in May of the same year (Spring ’25)
- A creative activity/project that is recognized as a master’s thesis for completion of a program.
Nomination Process:
The Department Chairperson, Thesis Advisor, or Grad Coordinators may make nominations for this award.
Submission Portfolio:
- Nomination letter from either the thesis advisor, department chair, or graduate coordinator describing the characteristics of the thesis/capstone project that make it outstanding and commenting on its originality, quality of scholarship and other factors that denote excellence Outstanding Master’s Capstone/Thesis Award Nomination Form
- At least one letter of support from either the thesis advisor, department chair or graduate coordinator (whichever did not nominate the thesis), student advisor, committee member or other professional with a direct relationship with the thesis under review Outstanding Master’s Capstone/Thesis Award Letters of Support Submission
- While at least one letter of support is required, students are encouraged to obtain additional letters of support to help build a more complete picture of them and their work.
- This form can be sent to recommenders to complete individually, or students can submit multiple letters of support at once by filling out the form and attaching the letters themselves.
Evaluation Criteria:
The Outstanding Thesis/Capstone Project Award committee will consider:
- Importance/impact of the subject
- Originality/creativity of the work
- Quality of the scholarship
- Potential for publishing
- Organization of the thesis
- Quality of the writing
- Any other appropriate factors that denote excellence
$500 will be awarded to the winner.
Letter of Nomination by Thesis Advisor or Dept. Chair – Due by February 20, 2025
Submission of Letter(s) of Support – Due by March 25, 2025
Awards Announced on Wednesday April 23, 2025
Awards Event on Wednesday April 30, 2025, from 3-4:30pm
Awarded to a doctoral student
Nominated by student’s department chairperson, graduate coordinator, dissertation advisor, or readers
This award is a special recognition of an outstanding doctoral thesis that contributes important knowledge to the subject area. Nominated dissertations should be based on original data and may use quantitative, qualitative, historical, ethnographic, or other analytical methods.
Nominated students must have completed…
- A dissertation submitted to meet the capstone requirement for an approved program of study
- A dissertation that will be submitted in its final form by August 2025 for a doctoral degree to be awarded in August 2025.
Nomination Process:
The Department Chairperson, Graduate Coordinator, Dissertation Advisor, or Dissertation Readers may make nominations for this award.
Submission Portfolio:
- Nomination letter from either the dissertation advisor, readers, department chair, or graduate coordinator describing the characteristics of the dissertation/capstone project that makes it outstanding and commenting on its originality, quality of scholarship and other factors that denote excellence. Outstanding Doctoral Capstone/Dissertation Award Nomination Form
- At least one other letter of support from either the dissertation advisor or readers or department chair or graduate coordinator (whomever did not nominate the dissertation,) student advisor, committee member or other professional with a direct relationship with the dissertation under review. Outstanding Doctoral Capstone/Dissertation Award Letters of Support Submission
- While at least one letter of support is required, students are encouraged to obtain additional letters of support to help build a more complete picture of them and their work.
- This form can be sent to recommenders to complete individually, or students can submit multiple letters of support at once by filling out the form and attaching the letters themselves.
Evaluation Criteria:
The Outstanding Doctoral Capstone/Dissertation Award committee will consider:
- Importance/impact of the subject
- Originality/creativity of the work
- Quality of the scholarship
- Potential for publishing
- Organization of the dissertation
- Quality of the writing
- Any other appropriate factors that denote excellence
$500 will be awarded to the winner.
Letter of Nomination by Dissertation Advisor or Reader or Dept. Chair – Due by February 20, 2025
Submission of Letter(s) of Support – Due by March 25, 2025
Awards Announced on Wednesday, April 23, 2025
Awards Event on Wednesday, April 30, 2025 from 3-4:30 p.m.
Awarded to a graduate student
This award was established in honor of Dr. Sandra Holley-Carter, a distinguished leader and former School of Graduate and Professional Studies Dean, whose legacy of advocacy, innovation, and mentorship has left a profound impact on graduate education at Southern Connecticut State University. Dr. Holley-Carter dedicated her career to empowering students, fostering academic excellence, and driving meaningful institutional change. This award seeks to recognize and celebrate graduate students who embody her spirit by making significant contributions to their academic communities and beyond.
Leadership & Advocacy: A commitment to social justice, institutional change, or community engagement within their academic or professional fields.
Innovation & Impact: Development of new initiatives, policies, or projects that have positively influenced their peers, department, or institution.
Academic Excellence: A strong academic record, research contributions, or creative endeavors that reflect a dedication to their field of study.
Mentorship & Service: Meaningful involvement in mentoring, supporting, or inspiring fellow students and future scholars.
Nomination Process:
Nominations may be submitted by faculty, staff, or fellow graduate students. Self-nominations are also accepted. Graduate Student Changemaker Award Nomination Form
Submission Portfolio:
- Nomination letter detailing the nominee’s contributions and impact.
- Current CV or resume.
- Up to two letters of support from faculty, peers, or community members.
The chance to join the Graduate Dean at the annual CGS Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C. on April 23, 2025, in partnership with the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS).
Nomination – Due by March 7, 2025
Awards Announced on Wednesday April 23, 2025
Awards Event on Wednesday April 30, 2025, from 3-4:30pm
Faculty Awards
Awarded to a full-time faculty member
Nominated by graduate students
This award recognizes an outstanding graduate faculty member who demonstrates excellence and exemplary commitment to the mentorship/advising of graduate students through personal, academic, and professional support.
- Nominee is currently teaching in an SCSU graduate program (full-time)
Nomination Process:
Graduate students may nominate a faculty mentor/advisor, course instructor, or a program administrator who has positively contributed to their personal, academic and professional growth as scholars and/or professionals. Nomination letters should describe the mentor/graduate student relationship (research assistant, advisee, etc.) and specific examples of impactful and exemplary mentorship.
Supporting evidence may also include:
- Accomplishments of mentees
- Mentoring initiatives/programs
- Creative approaches to mentorship
While a graduate student nomination is required, recommendation letters from colleagues or administrators can also be submitted to support the nominee.
More than one letter may be submitted per nomination, creating a stronger portrait of the mentor and their impact.
Students, colleagues, and administrators should all submit a one-page recommendation letter using the Outstanding Graduate Mentor/Advisor Award Nomination Form.
Evaluation Criteria:
The awards committee will consider:
- Evidence of impactful and exemplary mentorship
- Creation and implementation of innovative approaches to graduate student mentoring
- Demonstrated and ongoing commitment to the wellbeing of graduate students
- Thoughtfulness towards and meaningful recognition of student diversity
- Strong examples of exceptional mentorship, as detailed by students
- Any other appropriate factors that denote excellence in mentorship
Nomination by Student(s) – Due by March 25, 2025
Nomination by colleagues/administrators (optional) – Due by March 25, 2025
Awards Announced on April 23, 2025
Awards Event on Wednesday April 30, 2025 from 3-4:30pm
Awarded to a department chair, program coordinator, or graduate council member
Nominated by faculty, staff, and/or graduate students
The graduate program leadership award recognizes excellence in leadership and commitment by a graduate program leader (e.g. department chair, graduate council member, or graduate program coordinator), who has demonstrated excellence in supporting graduate students, providing academic excellence, advocacy for graduate education, and significantly contributing to the success of a graduate program(s).
- Open to any current graduate program leader including program chairs, program
coordinators, and graduate council members. - Nominees must have held their leadership positions for at least two years or
more. - Active involvement in advancing student development, faculty development,
program innovation, diversity and inclusivity within the graduate program.
Nomination Process:
- Nominations can be submitted by faculty, staff, or graduate students.
- Self-nominations are encouraged.
- Each nomination should include:
- A letter of nomination describing the nominee’s contributions to the graduate program(s).
- Supporting materials (e.g. evidence of program improvements, testimonials from program participants/colleagues.
- At least one letter of support from colleagues, supervisors, and students.
- Nomination materials should be submitted through the Graduate Program Leadership Award Nomination Form.
Nomination by faculty, staff, and students – Due by March 25, 2025
Awards Announced on April 23, 2025
Awards Event on Wednesday April 30, 2025 from 3-4:30pm
Awarded to a part-time faculty member
Nominated by graduate students
This award recognizes an outstanding graduate adjunct (or clinical) graduate faculty member who demonstrates excellence in teaching and exemplary commitment to the personal, academic and professional growth of graduate students.
- Nominee is currently teaching part-time as an adjunct instructor or clinical instructor in an SCSU graduate program
Nomination Process:
Graduate students may nominate an adjunct or clinical instructor who has demonstrated excellence in teaching and positively contributed to their personal, academic and professional growth as scholars and/or professionals. Nomination letters should describe the relationship and specific examples of impactful and exemplary teaching and mentorship.
While a student nomination is required, recommendation letters from colleagues or administrators can also be submitted to support the nominee.
More than one letter may be submitted per nomination, creating a stronger portrait of the instructor and their impact.
Students, colleagues, and administrators should all submit a one-page recommendation
letter using the Outstanding Graduate Adjunct/Clinical Faculty Award Nomination Form.
Evaluation Criteria:
The awards committee will consider:
- Evidence of excellence in teaching and mentoring graduate students
- Exemplary commitment to the personal, academic, and professional growth of
graduate students - Strong examples of exceptional teaching and mentorship, as detailed by students
- Any other appropriate factors that denote excellence in teaching and mentorship
Nomination by Student(s) – Due by March 25, 2025
Nomination by colleagues/administrators (optional!) – Due by March 25, 2025
Awards Announced on April 23, 2025
Awards Event on Wednesday April 30, 2025 from 3-4:30pm